Introducing the First Crypto-Advocacy DAO

4 min readOct 12, 2021

A Political DAO? Why?

Cryptocurrency is constantly under attack. From former presidents referring to it as a “scam” to current legislators who do not understand the technology and underlying benefits to society, blockchains like Solana need our help. Why not take the massive communities being built around NFT collections and further their ability to defend against unjust attacks?

The Political Sheep Decentralized Autonomous Organization is the first ever collective that puts you, the NFT holder, directly in the fight against poor crypto legislation. By offering an unlimited Democratic voting platform (as opposed to representative voting like the current US government, meaning every vote gets counted), every single member of the DAO is guaranteed to have their voice heard, and to weigh in on the items that are important to them.

The members of the DAO, the Sheeple, are coming together to support a common cause, regardless of political affiliation. This is an entirely bi-partisan effort, an example of unity in divisive times, and we fervently believe that it will make the country, the blockchain, and even the world a better place.

Ignorance is the Enemy of Progress

Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like Solana are in real danger of unfair taxation and regulations. The vast majority of our politicians lack the technical and regulatory knowledge to properly approach such a new and evolutionary industry. Our goal is to resolve these issues by concentrating on the following key points:

  • Education of Legislators
  • Education of Local and National level government bodies
  • Sponsoring of cryptocurrency-friendly legislation and legislative campaigns
  • Benefits of blockchain technology in resolving societal issues such as income inequality and public accounting transparency

The biggest hurdle to any movement is education. Individual policymakers of the US can’t realistically have solid legislation prepared for each and every issue that someone may deem important. It is mainly up to us, as the constituents, to present our evidential arguments, thoughts, and facts to legislators so that they have the ability to have an educated opinion on whatever the topic may be. The Political Sheep DAO proposes focusing on educating legislators in the following areas:

  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Security
  • Decentralization
  • Community

All reasons we’re on the blockchain to begin with, and all things we can agree are universally awesome. We believe that the immutable transparency that the blockchain provides is ideal for showing the world the way politics should work: out in the open, no surprises or secrets, no shady “investments” or backroom deals. We intend to serve as a shining example of that policy.

We intend to show the country that while an individual voice disappears into the abyss that is the US government, a community with thousands of voices, all with different backgrounds and ideologies, will not be ignored when they find a cause to rally behind.

The DAO Decides All

To showcase the amazing power of the community that has developed on Solana, every actionable item on the docket will be dictated by the will of the DAO. From the mint price, to the legislation we decide to support or oppose, to the charities we choose to support, it will all be up to the collective will of the people. Through a series of polls as well as a voting app the Political Sheep team will be releasing, the DAO will vote on everything in a democratic fashion, and those items will be acted on accordingly.

One of our first and most important goals is a Request For Comments & Code (RFC+C). And RFC+C is commonly used to gather insight and technical proposals on open source projects. Similarly, the Sheeple of the DAO will decide on the policies, bylaws, and overall structure of the organization. This will include getting both legal and political insight in order to ensure the successful implementation of our vision, as well as maximize the sustainability and growth of our community wallet.

The DAO will manage a community wallet that will be funded several different ways: for example, a large percentage of Sheeple royalties will be directly deposited into the community wallet. The contents of this wallet will be property of the DAO and will only be used at the discretion of a majority vote to ensure fair use of funds.

There is much more exciting information to reveal in the weeks leading up to election day when we start the mint (November 2, 2021). Follow us on Twitter to get the most up-to-date information, and announcements regarding the DAO.

Join us in taking a stand for cryptocurrency and NFT owners and creators. Come together, support a common goal, celebrate victory with your peers; that’s the true American dream.




A country 245 years old with 46 presidencies = 11270 Sheeple NFTs Coming Soon - The 1st Politically-focused DAO built on #Solana